Crossing Jordan Ministries

April 30, 2020

Where's Our Trust?

Hear me out as I think out loud here on Facebook. I have been frustrated in how the government and press have been handling the situation with the COVID-19 virus and complaining about how I feel my rights have been taken away and how my ministry has been impacted by the forced shutdown of the state. I have to admit that I was shouting at times at the TV as new information was released that I felt was unfair. But lately I find myself asking, have our rights and our freedoms become an idol to us? Are we putting too much emphasis our rights that we are missing what God is wanting to do in the midst of this? Are we trusting in what the world provides or what we have created instead of God? Are we focusing on the circumstances instead of the One that is above all of this?

The disciples in the boat in the midst of the storm was focusing on bailing out the boat while Jesus was sleeping. When the disciples took their eyes off what they thought they needed to do because of the storm and put them on Jesus, He calmed the storm. I don′t believe that was what they were expecting. Perhaps they were expecting Him to grab a bucket and start bailing with them, but their reply is a good indication that was not on their minds. Was it a new normal for the disciples after the wind and the waves obeyed His command? They still didn′t have a full understanding of what was coming, but this encounter changed their view of Jesus.

In the midst of this storm in our lives are we focusing on Jesus to do something that we expect, or want, Him to do or are we looking to Him to see what He is going to do? Could it be that Jesus is wanting a new normal in our lives, our businesses or jobs, our churches, our families. I know the phrase new normal often leaves a sour taste in our mouth and usually for good reason. It is an irrational reaction to fear. There is nothing sweet about reacting out of fear and it is going to leave a bad taste. I know that change takes us away from what we like or what we are comfortable with and that is scary, but that doesn′t mean it is bad. Sometimes He needs to totally dismantle what was accomplished in order to accomplish His purpose.

Maybe it is time to lay down our rights, not to the government, but to One above them. Trust me, I am concerned about some of the doors that have been opened during this time that we need to be aware of and require us to take a stand. However, our lives are no longer our own, so we need to seek Him in everything and look at what He is doing. We need to trust that He can and will restore what was lost or damaged. He will redeem what was stolen. He will begin a new work in some. He will give a new start to others. Let′s keep our focus on Jesus, put our trust in His plan and encourage each other.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones.
(Proverbs 3:5-8, NKJV).